Committee Roles 2022/23

2 Sep 2022 by John Cunningham

Committee Roles for 2022/23

Dear members,

As you know our AGM will be held on Thursday 8th September and I urge as many of you as possible to attend as you will be asked to vote on a number of important issues for our club. One of these will be the election of the Committee to serve the club for the coming year, 2022/23. I wish to express my immense thanks to those who have served on the Committee to date for the valuable work they do in the running of our club. I am also delighted that we will welcome new Committee members and I wish to thank those who have come forward so far.

That said, the club has an extremely serious governance issue which has been hanging over us for some time. The position of Treasurer has been vacant for almost a year now, and as a charity this places us in a very perilous position which could lead to censure &/or penalty from OSCR, our regulator. Despite advertising the position on several occasions, we have not had a single expression of interest in the position, and this leaves me with a difficult decision to make.

Accordingly, I intend to step down as President at this year’s AGM and stand for Treasurer. This will be my third year on the Committee, and while it is a privilege to have led the club, I cannot perform more than one Committee role at a time and I feel that I have no option but to place myself in the position which most mitigates risk to the club. The club therefore needs its members to step forward and appoint a new President for the coming year. One thing is absolutely certain, our club is full of bright and talented individuals and there is no shortage of people who would do a fantastic job of President. I would be more than happy to talk to anyone who is interested about what is involved in the role.

Best wishes,

John Cunningham

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